Bite-Sized Notes Week 2

Here are random bits of information I got from listening to Andrew Huberman's podcasts and watching a lot of youtube videos

  1. To increase mental focus, work on your visual focus first. For example, spend a minute focusing on one small part of a screen or a book or a word or whatever. Also, listen to low level white noise and get rid of all distractions.
  2. 90 minutes of focused work + 20 minutes of rest (non-sleep deep rest, where you practically take a meditationish nap thing) is best
  3. Creativity: combine convergent and divergent thinking by doing 5 minutes of open monitoring meditation, which is just closing your eyes (and relax) and acknowledging whatever surfaces to your mind (being non-judgemental), then doing 5 minutes of focused attention meditation, which is close eyes + relax but only focus on your breath.
  4. Investing: buying a part of a company you believe in when it is low in price, not caring about price fluctuations, being patient; if not, dollar-cost averaging (e.g. $100 a week) into an ETF or index fund -> a country you believe will do well
  5. Never be late for anything.
  6. Just do it. Seriously just start and motivation for whatever will come.
  7. Never skip a workout for 2 days in a row
  8. Minimalist workout: gym 3 times a week, 3 sets of 4-8 reps, alternate push/pull+lower. Push: inclined bench press, triceps cable, dips, dumbbell shoulder press, lateral raises. Pull+Lower: pull-ups, seated face pull, bicep curls, leg press, calves raise
Kyumin Kim

Kyumin Kim